Training for managers (online)

Kia ora and welcome to the
Training for managers online course

Course Outline

This online course equips Managers/Supervisors/Team Leaders with the skills to promote a safer and healthier place of work. This course is completed fully online, however, there is no assessment requirements. There are readings, activities and feedback requirements, and we estimate that the course will take you approximately 8-10 hours to complete over the course of one month.

Introduction – Aim of this course

The aim of this course is to provide officers (as defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015), managers and supervisors with skills, knowledge and competency that will assist them to:

  • provide workplace health and safety leadership
  • comply with their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015)
  • engage with health and safety representatives and workers when making decisions about health and safety
  • develop and implement health and safety policies, procedures and systems to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

Ongoing Support

You will have ongoing access to one of WorksafeReps experienced trainers.

Trainee Assistance

For further assistance email

Our Trainers who facilitate this course

Meet June Hoddle


History of working with workers in the public and private sector as a union organiser and delegate in the public sector.

I have 25 years experience as an educator / facilitator concentrating on health and safety in the past 10 years.  I have a passion for workplaces to be safe and believe the key to this is the empowerment of elected Health and Safety Representative and workers

Courses I teach: 

  • Stage 1 HSR Training
  • One day refresher on the HSW Act
  • Stage 2 HSR Training
  • Parenting and Managing Fatigue 
  • Creating a Positive Workplace
  • One day course on supporting managers to become familiar with the HSW Act (1 day)

Meet Christopher McDonald


I have been facilitating H&S Representative training seminars for WorksafeReps since 2003.

I worked as an organiser for the EPMU (Etu) from 1991 – 2000 and as an educator for NZNO from 2000 – 2005.

I worked in heavy industry for several years – NZ Steel – as a tapper in the melters.

I am experienced in both face-to-face and zoom facilitation.  I can also use “Teams.”

I also facilitate on-line learners in both the HSR Initial training and the Manager/supervisor courses.

Courses I facilitate:

  • Stage 1 Initial HSR
  • HSR Refresher
  • Stage 2 Risk Management
  • Manager/Supervisor
  • Preventing and Managing Fatigue
  • I can travel to facilitate Face-to Face courses in the Waikato Region, Auckland and Bay of Plenty.

Meet Tjarda Wierdsma

Kia ora

I deliver virtual open workshops to people from all across Aotearoa. Please visit my worksense website to book a space in my workshops.

I have over 15 years of union-based employment relations experience with a strong training focus. I hold a level 8 postgraduate workplace health and safety qualification.

I build great worker participation, engagement and representation practices and help people collaborate towards real health and safety improvements. My training ensures every learner understands and supports H&S responsibilities across their organisation and industry.

I also offer free before and after workshop support for learners through bookable sessions. I’m able to run workplace-based virtual workshops if it’s crucial for your team to learn together.

Book Now

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